National Drug Use Survey Analysis

Photo by Online Marketing on Unsplash

The motivation behind this project was to take data from a complex national survey, pose questions about the data, and use the data to answer our questions. The data for this project was acquired from the ICSPR website, and is part of the National Survey on Drug Use and Heath (NSDUH), specifically focusing on drug abuse, from 1990. The packages readr, survey, and VIM were all used for our analysis. The package readr was used for loading the data, the survey package was used for constructing our estimates and making our visualizations, and VIM was used for hot deck imputation of missing values.

Matthias Ronnau
Matthias Ronnau
MSBA Program Ambassador

My studies include sampling theory and design, probability, and linear modeling. I love camping, working on cars, and spending time with my family.
